Thursday, December 17, 2009

3rd Annual Lake Worth Wingnut Convention: Special Gests, Val Kilmer and Marc Silverstein,

The 3rd Annual Lake Worth Wingnut Convention will be held at the New Hampton Inn. Advance registration is required.

This years convention promises to be the best ever. Val Kilmer back from the front lines of Gogut with the 5th battalion of interplanetary wingnuts, will host a special two hour round table discussion titled, "How we gonna get them lizards good."

Admiral Marc Silverstein will be taking a break from the 2012 presidential campaign trail to speak on the appropriation of Mayan cosmology by the white middle class. He will also be speaking on the divine principles of boiled peanuts and deep fried peanuts in combating the crypto-turd burglers and the beyond-sense bandits.

For Tickets and Room Reservations Please Contact The New Hampton Inn @
8205 Lake Worth Road
Lake Worth, FL‎ -
561) 472-5980‎

Lets Make This Years Wingnut Convention The Best Ever


bubbabobang124 said...

I hope you won't be taking our guns away at the door like last year.

Anonymous said...

Bubabobong, we will let you keep your guns. But we will never let you keep your flesh suit.

Anonymous said...

Someone got outed!

JohnnyDeppissohot153 said...

Oh Booooya! Lizard boy got a smack down!

getthat barrywhitefeelinbaby said...

I once met Marc at one of the three safe spots preordained for the chosen when the apocalypse comes in 2012. Funny thing though, Marc thought it was already 2012 and I had to tell him it was only 2009. He laughed and was like "oh yeah, I think I'll got get a drink then" and he just drove off into the sunset.

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