Swedish primitivists and avant-guard performance artists Tre Två En Paleolitisk Disco, formerly of the Goteborg based pop-rock band Sätta din Riskkapitalist Under min Dröm Anus Träd, have moved to the lush jungle's of John Prince Park. "We are to take up Llama grazing. We have decided that as primitivists it is time for the next step, we must now alienate ourselves from our symbiotic relationship with animals to one of control and domination. The llamas will obey their masters or else! In several years we will try agriculture, then we will form a city-state near the jungle gym near the main entrance along Lake Worth road. Finally we will invent cheese-in a can and the leaf blower. This will complete our experiment of social evolution, from hunting and gathering to pouring cheese directly into our mouths and blowing leaves around and around with the very littlest of expression on our faces.
To contact Tre Två En Paleolitisk Disco
call 561-374-3268